Yutoku Inari Shrine

Yutoku Inari Shrine
Information on the Yutoku Inari Shrine Information on the Yutoku Inari Shrine History/Enshrined Deities Access Seasonal Flowers Japanese Garden Yutoku Museum
Information on the Yutoku Inari Shrine
Guidance of Workship Guidance of Workship Facilities in the Precincts Amulets Red Seal
Guidance of Workship
Events held at the Yutoku Inari Shrine Events held at the Yutoku Inari Shrine Type of Event Yearly Events
Events held at the Yutoku Inari Shrine
Offering a prayer with priests’ help Offering a prayer with priests’ help Dance
Offering a prayer with priests’ help
Yutoku Museum Yutoku Museum Yutoku Museum
Yutoku Museum
Seasonal Flowers Seasonal Flowers Seasonal Flowers
Seasonal Flowers
Japanese Garden Japanese Garden Japanese Garden
Japanese Garden
Access Access Access